The Best Labor and Postpartum Doulas in Michigan: Placenta, Placenta, Placenta
WAIT!? Do WHAT with my placenta?
The idea of consuming our placentas after birth isn’t particularly a new thought. When left to their own devices, many mammals will do it soon after giving birth as part of her instinctual clean up method.Traditional Chinese medicine often used human placenta in practice for varying ailments.
You’ve probably also heard about it in whispers from mom groups. Words like “raw”, “smoothie” and maybe even “lasagna” creep out of the conversation to shock others.
So, here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be like that. Through a process of steaming, dehydrating, grinding and encapsulating, you can glean all of the benefits of consuming your placenta by just taking a few pills a day!
But why? Besides having a show-stopping story to tell, why would anyone want to do that!?
I am so glad that you asked!
The main reason I hear from women about why they choose to consume their placenta is “balance”. The time following birth is one of hormonal adjustment. You no longer have another human in your womb sucking up your resources (ok, that’s not a technical explanation, but you get the idea) and your body is starting to readjust back to your nonpregnant self. Moods can shift quickly with energy levels depleted. Many women find that while taking their encapsulated placenta, they feel more like “themselves again”. This could mean regaining their energy, lessening symptoms of postpartum depression, or just evening out their moods!
Of the many ways to consume your placenta, a few pills doesn’t sound so bad huh? So instead of grimacing at the thought why not find out more? You can contact us today for more information. And don't worry, we don't do the "smoothie method."
NOTE: Remember that it is always important to communicate with your care provider when starting new supplements. Placenta encapsulation is not currently regulated by any central governing body. It’s benefits and uses have not been evaluated by the FDA. As current science is not available on the effectiveness of PE, we rely on anecdotal evidence to inform our practices.