Conscious Cesarean Birth Plan

From Metro-Detroit HypnoBirthing’s owner, Danielle Whaley:

“Lately it has felt like I have been surrounded by couples having c-sections. And it has been on my heart to help cesarean couples have a little semblance of a plan when facing this change in their plans. I have been wanting to create a birth plan for this unique experience for a while and I’m happy to have it completed. This is the start on creating a curriculum especially for cesarean families too! Relaxations, recovery plans, and birthing options designed for couples planning a “conscious cesarean.” I’m a cesarean mom and childbirth educator. My passion is for my clients to feel supported and calm, regardless of how they choose to welcome their baby into the world. This course is the next step in my personal and professional birth philosophy. “

We’d love to hear how HypnoBirthing has positively impacted your cesarean, planned or not. Share your cesarean birth story with us at

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