Jessica, Andre, & Emma's HypnoBirthing Story
Check out this awesome birth story supported by the awesome staff at Henry Ford West Bloomfield and The Midwives there:)
"I got to the hospital at 12pm on October 4th with a potential amniotic leak. This was confirmed and I was admitted to my room around 2pm with the plan to be induced (not what I wanted. I wanted to labor at home and come in at 7-8cm open). I was given penicillin due to being GBS+ and the leak. I was not dilated at all when I came in, but due to the leak and risk of infection we needed to speed things up. Therefore I was started on Cytotec, first dose around 6:30pm. That didn’t do a whole lot and I felt no contractions (apparently I had some). So I was checked around 8:40pm and showed 2cm dilated, soft cervix, midpoint, baby head down.
Around 9pm my water was broken completely (rupture was only a high leak) to move things along. I did feel contractions now, but nothing bad. Midwife wanted to see more, so I got a second dose of Cytotec around 10pm, which started stronger contractions. I followed my doulas recommendations to relax, try to get rest, use a peanut ball and my Hypnobirthing. So I listened to my hubby’s scripts and the rainbow relaxation over and over, doing my breathing.
Around 1am I struggled with contractions every minute, lasting 45 sec and couldn’t stay in bed anymore to rest since they came on top of each other. I continued my breathing, used a birthing ball, paced in my room and used the bathroom a lot (Just sitting there felt good).
Then contractions got really intense and I finally woke my husband (I wanted him & my doula to rest since we all thought this would take hours, if not days) and said around 2:30am that I am struggling. At 3am I said “I can’t do this”, thinking this will still be hours - I was in transition though!! My hubby called our Doula and when she arrived around 4am they checked and I was fully ready, felt baby come & the urge to push. I couldn’t believe it when my husband said “change your breathing to J-breathing”.
After a lot of pushes (at least that’s how it felt), amazing support from our doula and my husband with breathing and staying at my sides, our girl was born at 4:35am. I remember wanting to see (well, touch) where her head is. At one time when I touched her head, it still felt about an inch in. A bit later, after the suggestion of my doula to see where her head is now, I touched it again and felt her head crowning. I couldn’t believe we were at that point, since I did not feel what people refer to as the ‘ring of fire’. My husband said he saw a smile and peace on my face when I realized the progress. My husband received her and cut the cord (so proud of him!!).
So I guess I truly labored from 9pm-4:35am (7.5 hrs). Not bad for the fact that I thought induction would take forever. I was initially bummed to be induced and very emotional about it. I went back to what I learned at pre-natal yoga, Hypnobirthing and trust in God and prayer though. All of this helped me to have a birth that I am satisfied with and wouldn’t change.
Emma Hope was born being 17.91 inches (45.49cm), having a 13.39 inches (34.01cm) head circumference, and 6.96875 pounds (3.161 kg).
I tore a bit and needed some stitches. Plus there was bleeding a lot apparently. So they wanted to take me to the OR for a spinal and repair of the cervix. Thank God for answers to prayers, the bleeding slowed down and the next shift thought we don’t need a repair.
We stayed for two days due to the GBS and the leak. I was thankful for that though. We enjoyed learning from amazing people at Henry Ford and having good food available.
We are in love with our beauty!
We also had our placenta encapsulated by the amazing Danielle Whaley and she sent us a picture of a heart shaped placenta.
I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. (1 Samuel 1:27)"