Positive Induction Hypnobirthing Story

Picture yourself at a baby shower, mingling with all the ladies, and back and forth birth stories begin to be shared. Often times these stories begin with “my doctor scheduled an induction and my experience was ___(insert negative statement here).” So naturally the idea and thought of induction triggers an automatic assumption of a negative birth experience.

This may not 100% be the case but it tends to be common. Inductions are a wonderful medical intervention we have for true medical conditions in either mom or baby where it is necessary to have labor begin. When inductions happen with families who are not prepared and are not fully informed on this approach, the outcomes tend to be traumatic or negative.

Here we have an incredible story from one of our previous students about an induction that speaks nothing but positivity and empowerment. Hypnobirthing tends to be peered through a narrow lens of “natural or unmedicated" birth only. This is so far from the truth. Hypnobirthing is for every type of birth and birth outcome because Hypnobirthing prepares and educates families on all types of birth.

When families are prepared and educated they feel ready and empowered to tackle any twists and turns their birth may take. Here’s a wonderful example of just that from the Wright family. Please enjoy this beautiful share.

“Hypnobirthing really helped make our birthing experience calm and beautiful even though we needed to be induced due to IUGR. We felt empowered by the knowledge we gained in this course. For example, we didn’t know that we were allowed to delay weighing the baby up to an hour and instead allow for skin to skin contact with mom and dad. We didn’t know that we could ask for perineal massage to decrease the chances of tearing which lead to me not tearing at all.

Since our baby was measuring small our doctor recommended we deliver at 37 weeks. From the knowledge gained through TCBS we were able to push the induction by a week. We were scheduled to come in on a Thursday night. That night they gave me a pill that would help to soften my cervix. The doctors knew that I wanted a natural birth and wanted to try all forms of methods before being given pitocin. By Friday night I wasn’t dilated at all so they put a Foley bulb in my cervix to help dilate me and hopefully force me into labor. All the while we stayed calm. Had our LED candles going and continued to listen to TCBS affirmations and meditation. By Saturday morning I was 4 cm dilated but was not progressing so we decided to start pitocin. I began to feel contraction within an hour and was breathing through each contraction with a smile on my face. By 6am the doctors came in and suggested releasing my waters to progress labor. By that time we had been at the hospital for 36 hours and wanted to meet our baby girl so we agreed. Before they broke my water my contractions were completely bearable coming every 2-3 minutes and lasting about 45 seconds. But after they broke my water the contractions went from a 4 to a 10 in a matter of seconds. Coming every 45 seconds to a minute. At that time we focused on counter pressure and breathing techniques for about an hour and a half until I felt so exhausted and asked for an epidural. After the epidural was administered I fell asleep for about an hour. When I woke up I could slightly feel the contractions that were still coming every 45 seconds. The doctors told me to let them know when I had the feeling that I was going to have a bowel movement as that would mean that it was time to push. I talked with my doula as I waited for the big moment. That bowel movement feeling came about 10 minutes later. At that time I reminded the doctors and nurses that I didn’t want to tear and that I wanted perineal massage and that I would only push when I was having a contraction. Immediately the doctor poured natural oils on my lady parts and began massaging. I let the room know when I was having a contraction and started pushing visualizing and J breathing. As my little one crowned I reached down and felt a head full of hair. In total I pushed for 8 minutes or less. Waiting for my contractions to guide me. I didn’t tear at all and my baby and I bonded for an hour skin to skin. As I was holding our baby my fiancé reminded the team of doctors that we wanted to delay cord clamping. Which I wasn’t even thinking about in that moment and I’m so grateful that we were all on the same page and that we both took TCBS together. She ended up feeding about 30 minutes into our bonding session and my doula was there to help make the latching process easy. After she was fed they weighed her and we began our journey as new parents. Even though we wanted an all natural birth, we’re super happy that we had TCBS as our guide because even with the unexpected turn of events we stayed calm and in control. I will always feel empowered when I think of our daughters birth. I took control. I stayed focused on the end results of having a healthy and happy baby and that’s exactly what we have. I just appreciate all the knowledge and peace we gained from learning TCBS with Metro-Detroit Hypnobirthing. Thank you so much.”

If you’re interested in a Hypnobirthing class and want to feel prepared and empowered like the Wright family, check our website for locations, dates, and times. We offer five different locations, in-person or virtual. This family was out of our Rochester location with Tori. She will be back to teaching her sought after classes in October. Sign up fast so you can guarantee yourself a spot in our premier Hypnobirthing classes.

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