Hypnobirthing Classes
Metro Detroit’s Premier instinctive childbirth education
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a childbirth education course designed to teach you how to work with your body rather than resist it and bring your baby into the world in the calm and gentle way that nature intended.
*How It Helps Laboring Moms*
Know what labor is like, no surprises!
Learn how to relax so labor can be easier and shorter
Figure out your preferences for labor and birth (do you really want a mirror offered? what about eating during labor?)
Find that powerful breath that aids moms all over the world birth their babies peacefully
Less likely to tear down there
You feel 100% confident in your birthing choices, no regrets
Less likely to need interventions or pain meds. Which can mean easier recovery time!
*How It Helps Birth Companions*
Understand each stage of labor and how to help your companion through it
Feel 100% confident about choices for labor and birth
Learn how to physically support laboring mom (HIP SQUEEZES FOR THE WIN!!)
Learn how to emotionally support laboring mom (“you’re doing great” only works for the first 3 hours)
Keep your cool under pressure (you’ll benefit from learning the breathing techniques so you can be present for the birth of your kiddo too!)
Does Hypnobirthing REALLY Make a Difference?
Frequently Asked Questions
+When should I start classes?
Most students attend class at the start of their second trimester.
BUT, pregnancy brain is a real thing so if you’re reading this and you’re due next month, check out our accelerated classes!
+How long is the Hypnobirthing series?
It is a 5 week series, each class lasting 2-2.5 hours. Accelerated classes are 2 sessions, 4-4.5 hours each session. We also offer private classes which can be designed around your schedule. All classes can be done virtually using Zoom.
+Does Hypnobirthing really mean a pain-free birth?
Nothing is for sure. Some people say they don’t, some say they do.
But all for sure are happy they prepared themselves with these classes because
they had tools to stay calm and centered regardless of how they experienced birth.
+Do I need to take another childbirth class?
Nope! No need to sign yourself up for that 8 hour hospital class on a Saturday (you’re welcome, dads).
You’ll learn all the “basic” childbirth details as well as HypnoBirthing work.
+How is this different from those hospital classes?
Hospital classes are great ways to learn “how to be a good patient.” With our classes, you’ll learn what YOU need to
feel comfortable and how to make that work within the hospital setting.
You also have un-biased instructors, so ask all your crunchy momma questions!
+Could I just buy the book and CD’s and learn this program as a home study?
We don’t suggest it. We’ve instructed A LOT of “self taught” Hypnobirthing second time moms over the years.
Having a personalized instruction means years of experience and support from us.
+What if my birth companion cannot attend all or some of the classes?
Sometimes moms must come to class alone or they choose to bring an alternative support person, mother, friend, sister etc.
The primary birth companion should be supportive and willing to read the book. But plenty of mommas have rocked this work solo.
+Is Hypnobirthing helpful for people who need an induction? Cesarean? Pain medication?
Heck yes! HypnoBirthing is a philosophy that is applied to all sorts of variations of normal birth.
However your little one needs to enter the world, you wanna be present and calm, right?
HypnoBirthing helps you and your partner with that!
+Ok, let’s do this thing! How do I sign up for class?
Click here for our registration page. Once you’re signed up and paid, you’ll receive a welcome email from us with your relaxation and affirmation recordings so you can start practicing right away!
If you’re looking for a class at a certain time/day/location but don’t see it…contact us! We are happy to try to work with you to find the best fit.