Becky, Andy, and Hudson's HypnoBirthing Story
Becky receiving her little girl. She birthed her while standing up!
“I woke up August 6th at 6am, like any normal day. I had been feeling pressure waves throughout the night, but didn't really think anything of it until I woke up a little wet and blood tinged. I called my midwife to tell her what was going on and she told me to come into the hospital. After gathering our bags, eating breakfast, and dropping of my son at preschool camp, we were off to the hospital. We got checked into a triage room around 9am to see what was going on. The midwife checked me and there was no thinning or opening of my cervix, but my water ruptured (the wetness I woke up with) so we were staying at the hospital! They didn't have rooms available so we were in triage for 6 hours! We took laps around the labor and delivery floor, ate, and sat. They checked me again... still nothing! My water had been ruptured for a long time, so things needed to start moving. We agreed that a very small dose of oral citotek could help start the process. By this time it was 3:30 and they finally had a room available! When we got settled in my midwife gave me the citotek at 4:20pm and said she would check on me in a little bit. I started to feel some pressure waves again, but I could still carry on conversations, so I wasn't too concerned. The midwife checked me again and I had progressed to a 4 and 50% effaced. We called the doula and told her what was going on and told her to head our direction. We ordered some food in the mean time and started eating. While I was eating, sitting in bed, I felt a swift kick to my pelvis and water began gushing all over the bed. I paged the nurse to tell her what was happening. She came in with towels and told me to stand up so she could clean up the bed. I stood up...more water! I then remembered the midwives saying I had extra was a lot of water! I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower to rinse off. While i was in there the pressure waves became stronger and closer together. I labored in the warm shower for a little while until it was time to get my intermittent monitoring back on. As soon as it came off, I wanted to go back in the shower. I got out of bed to do that but ended up standing and leaning over the bed (that is what felt best at the time). I asked the nurse if it was too late to get an epidural, she said no and walked across the room to get the iv ready. By the time she walked back across the room to me, I told her, "nevermind I am feeling a lot of pressure, it was time to push." She looked down, there was blood on the floor, then told me to get in bed so she could call the midwife. The midwife quickly came to check me and I was a +2... it was time to have a baby! They rushed to get everything ready...this was unexpectedly fast! I labored in bed, but it was not a comfortable position, so I stood next to the bed and leaned over like I had before. This was the first time I realized that my husband was coaching me through my pressure waves! The baby was almost here! Our doula arrived and I remember her doing counter pressure on my head, which felt amazing and gave me something to focus on! The baby's head was out! One more good push and she was all the way out at 8:01pm. The midwife told me to reach down and grab my baby. I looked down, between my legs, grabbed my baby girl, and lifted her to my chest as everyone helped me get into bed and took the gown off so we could do skin to skin. It was an incredible 3 hours and 40 minutes that gave us a perfect 7lb 4oz baby girl who we named Hudson Jean Adrianse.”
Becky lives in the Holly area and teaches in Fenton and Flint group, accelerated, and private classes. Her next group class begins in Fenton, February 19th, Wednesday nights from 7:00pm-9:30pm. Her next accelerated class begins February 16th, Sunday mornings from 10:00am-2:30pm. Register for her classes here.